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Saturday, July 08, 2006

Similarities Between Candle and Soap Making Supplies

Yes, it's a little strange, but there are quite a few similarities between candle and soap making.
Here's a great article that says it all about these similarities
There are a number of similarities in making soap and candles. Both require pouring the raw materials into molds to give them shape. Candles and soap need scents and color as well. Many stores sell both candle and soap making supply kits. Candle and soap-making supply stores are found nationwide and on the Internet. It is easy to find materials for very reasonable prices.

Read more here:

Similarities Between Candle and Soap Making Supplies

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Making Soap In Your Own Kitchen

Here's an original guide called "Making Soap In Your Own Kitchen". It will do exactly that - teach you how to make soap in your own home kitchen.
from the site:

"Making Soap In Your Own Kitchen is a beginner's guide to soap-making, which is fully illustrated with photographs for each step of the process. You will discover:

A Brief History of Soap (very brief)
What lye is and why it is necessary
Which fats and oils to use What materials are needed and where to get them
The entire process, from weighing fats to mixing lye, to cutting the finished soap into bars
Essential oils that scent your soaps
Packaging options for gifts/sale of your soap

You can find the full details here:

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A Brief History Of Soap Making

Ever wondered about the history of soap making. Well, it seems that even ancient people know at least how to make the more crude, primitive vestions of soap or detergens, and used them for ceaning puposes. Here's an article that talks about the history of making soap:

A Brief History Of Soap Making By Jeffrey Dorrian

Today, handmade soaps are found at craft shows, specialty stores, on the internet and in some retail outlets. Many people enjoy making novelty soaps that both look beautiful and work to keep your skin feeling fresh. Though it is readily available now, this wasn’t always the case.Records indicate that soap making may have existed as far back as 2800 B.C. There are records that indicate both the Ancient Greeks and Romans both started experimenting with olive oil in their initial soap making...

Read the rest here:

A Brief History Of Soap Making

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