Soap Making Secrets

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Thursday, July 06, 2006

Soap Packaging and Labeling Q&A

Hi Again,
Some people may have some questions aobut the need to package and label the soapes they make.
These are interesting questions. Luckily, the people at have the answers.
Here are some of the questions you may have:

  • Can I use saran wrap to package my mp soap?
  • Can my mp soap have a cigar type band label?
  • Do I need to lable my soap?

See the answers right here, at

Package & Labeling - Soap Teacher

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Soap making in a box - great education

Here's a great resource about soap making. Basicall, it tells you everything you wanted to know about making soaps, including:

Soap: What is it and where did it come from?
Animal versus Vegetable based soaps
The Soap Process
Soap Moulds
Testing for pH
Soap Making: Cold Process Method

..and more!

Soap: What is it and where does it come from.

Until the early 1900’s, much of the soap used was made at home. Fats from cooking and butchering were saved until there was enough to make a batch of soap. This all changed in 1916 when a shortage of fats (a main ingredient in soap) occurred during World War I. As an alternative was needed, enterprising companies developed the first synthetic soaps called detergents.

Click here to read the rest:

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Great Thermostat for soap making

Ever wondered how you can make sure the temperature is right without sticking the thermostat into the hot oil/glycerin?

Here's the solution - a "Just Point" Thermostat. I think it's great for soap makers as well as 101 other uses.

Soapmakers Point and Shoot Thermometer

“Just point” Infrared Thermometer

No more having to clean that thermometer of oils and soap, just point and shoot.
Don’t reach, it’s as easy as pointing your finger.

  • Simple to Use – Instant Readings.

  • Easy to Read Display.

  • Just Point & Shoot.

  • Great Tool to Have – Multiple Uses.

  • Temperature Range: -18 to 275°C (0 to 525°F).

  • D:S (Distance to Spot Size): 8:1.

  • Response time: 500 mSec, 95% response.

  • Emissivity: Pre-set at 0.95.

  • Accuracy: ±2%, or ±2°C (±3°F) whichever is greater

Thermometers, Soap Making Equipment, Custom Designed

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